On a daily basis, I'm completely smitten with The Baby in ways I never could have imagined. She has changed my life in mysterious, fascinating, grown-up ways. Instead of wondering and planning what to have for dinner all day as in days past, I wonder what she'll look like in 1st, 7th, 12th grade. When I'm up with her at night, I stare at her lovely little features and ponder how she could possibly put me in a home in my old age. When she's sleeping, I stare in awe at her long eyelashes and her sweet, chubby, little mini-me hands. I love the dimples along her knuckles. They remind me of air bubbles in cookie batter (ok, I didn't say I NEVER think about food!). When she's older, this is something I won't remember and that makes me weepy.
Typical of new parents, we try to photograph every milestone with the hope of freezing these memories forever and ever. I got an iPhone at the end of my pregnancy and it has turned out to be the best purchase ever. Not only did the apps and cute little texting bubbles keep me occupied while trapped in the Shack through Snowmeggedon and those last uncomfortable weeks waiting to give birth, I've found the camera easy to use and of decent quality. And I almost always have it with me, so we will never miss a monumental event, like
Baby's First Poop on the Beach!
Here are some of Kaellyn's firsts that we were able to capture over the past 6 months:
First mobile upload:
4 minutes old |
First Bath:
2 weeks old |
one of the first social smiles:
about 4 weeks old |
First Cinco de Mayo:
2 months old |
First swim:
about 3 months old |
First solid food:
4 months old |
First trip to the beach:
almost 5 months old |
First time sitting on her own:
5 1/2 months old |
First ride in shopping cart:
5 1/2 months old |
Aw, this post is making me all teary. I love it!