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hello, tongue! |
She is "babbling" - having conversations, laughing, and squealing - basically forming new sounds and testing them out. This, I reckon, is baby talk, and it's delicious! I could literally listen to her for days - it is the most addictive sound ever. Yesterday, I heard her say what sounded like "Dada". However, I decided that I was probably just hearing things and made a conscious decision keep this little tidbit to myself. But The Baby is not a moron. It came out again while Allen was playing with her! When I was a sleep-deprived, emotion-filled brand new mom and couldn't see a light at the end of the Eat, Sleep, Poop tunnel, a friend shared her theory that babies learn to form the sounds Dada before Mama simply because Dada is a lot easier to say! At the time, I couldn't fathom any sound besides a cry or a fart coming from the creature in my arms, but those words resonated with me. Just some food for thought.
Kaellyn has discovered her tongue. She has also become mobile. She has begun to scoot herself across the floor and can elevate herself to all fours. She has also mastered a move similar to the Plank, a rather difficult yoga position!
Today is monumental because I made my first baby food! Ok, so I mashed up an avocado, because I have not found avocado baby food in jars. I wonder if this is because avocado immediately begins to turn brown after it is removed from the pit? Just FYI, according to my good friend Christina, this can be prevented in avocado-based dishes by placing an avocado pit at the bottom of the dish. Good to know!
Finding activites to do with A Baby is typically not an easy task for rookie moms. My summer has been especially challenging because I have been placed on a budget, and it is too hot to be outside with A Baby. Those two factors combined eliminate most new-mom and baby activities. For the first time I can remember, I am actually looking forward to Fall. Kaellyn recently graduated to a forward-facing stroller, and she can't get enough of riding around, taking in her surroundings. Today, I took her to Ikea for a 50 cent steamed hot dog (for me) and a tour through the light department (for her). Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the most fabulous play mat! It is quite unfortunate, however, that I had to break the budget. But really, what is $29.99 compared to hours of entertainment and sweet, addictive baby laughter? And who can argue with "stimulating all senses of the baby, the development of fine motor skills and the desire to explore"? The Leka play mat is bright, soft, thick and has a textured bottom that adheres to hard-wood floors. It has a built-in mirror, different textured fabrics and adorable little bugs and animals for The Baby to grab and explore.
Here is Kaellyn exploring the Leka, which due to space limitations, I attached to the Ocean play mat to create one giant play area. Following is a picture of her in Plank position.
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